It’s every home owner’s responsibility to keep their property secure from burglars. Although almost every people yearn for a peaceful and altruistic world, the truth is that there will always be people who are going to take advantage of opportunities to take away from the hard work of others.
Securing the premises doesn’t mean only making sure that high-end locking systems are installed. For a burglar with the right cunning and determination, it’s virtually easy to get past these locks. Burglars who aren’t scared of leaving a trail of broken window glass will not hesitate to find other means of entry instead of wasting their time breaking the locking system.
Other measures of home security systems should be installed inside the house, or even outside depending on the layout. One of the most common and practically cheap means of security system are alarm systems that activate when it is tripped. There are different variations of this product, some using laser while some stick to using mechanisms that utilize magnets. Even if burglars are able to get in, these little devices, when placed in inconspicuous locations, will trigger a loud alarm that would alert the neighbor and hopefully inflict panic on the perpetrators. This hopefully thwarts their plans.
But just by itself, these trip alarm systems aren’t adequate if the home owner intends to know the identities of the perpetrators. For this purpose alone, CCTV cameras can probably do the job. But then again, those that are at the lower price range generally have bad resolutions for their recorded video, thereby making it absolutely useless for identification unless the burglars were careless enough to show any incriminating tattoos. The problem with CCTV systems is that there are better options out there that cost almost the same, if not far less than most CCTVs.
Home owners should check out these self installed security systems camera. It is by all means a better option than the conventional CCTV system in a lot of different ways. For one, it doesn’t require the services of professional installers as it can be easily done by the owners. The best-selling point however, is that it can connect to the internet and most models have motion detectors that can send captured images of when something suspicious just passed by the camera. Residents would then receive alerts through their mobile phones or emails, prompting them on what to do next, which is of course, to call the authorities or defend themselves.