When we hear about crystal balls, we automatically picture a woman holding and waving her hands over a ball while conjuring images of the future. This is a cliché and we often see it in movies, advertisements and other forms of media. And people wonder if this is real. Crystal ball gazing has been around for decades and has been used to channel the thoughts within the subconscious mind.
The real use of crystal balls
We often assume that crystal balls have supernatural powers that enable us to see the future. Since it has been the most popular way of scrying, people assume that it has a mystical capability to show us images of the unknown. However, the real reason why crystal balls are used in scrying is because of its clarity. By focusing on its clearness, you are taken into a light trance enabling you to be in a state that is similar to meditation. This facilitates the dissociation of consciousness, allowing you to see through your mind’s eye and not through the ball itself.
The best way to maximize its use
The best way to use it is to be in a quiet place or in a location that is free of distractions. Settle with a subdued lighting and then place the crystal ball in a dark location. You can place it on top of a black surface to eliminate reflections. Take your time to relax and go into a meditative state. You don’t have to force yourself to see something, if you’re in the perfect state of meditation, you will see pictures naturally.
What to do with the images. When you finally get to see images, you interpret them with the use of your instincts. These messages are rooted from your subconscious mind so go with your gut instinct. Some images may help you foresee minor incidents that are waiting to happen but these are according to what your subconscious mind understands. However, we must always remember that this is only a form of guidance and not absolutely definitive.
Having the ability to see messages through the crystal ball can be developed with a lot of time and practice. These images can help us learn about the things that have been buried within our subconscious. But always remember that things are greatly influenced by the choices we make. These actions are definitive of the changes and events to follow.